
removing mental blocks - simply

you may say that i have a slight obsession with journals - i love the way they look, feel & how each has its own special something. so much so that i often assign specific journals to just one theme (read: so i can rationalize the purchase of another one...).

but sometimes, no matter how pretty the page, i get blocked & am at a loss for words. so i was thrilled to find simple diary, it's like the madlibs for your life. each page you get to fill-in the blanks based on random questions. you can either leave the thoughts simple, or use it as a way of brainstorming ideas, reflecting on specific life events in one of the other blank journals that are just waiting to be filled, use it as an idea for a blog entry &/or an intention for your yoga practice!

yoga deal: save time & money - consider simple diary a writer's workshop on your time on the cheap ($14.99) which comes in a rainbow of colors & volume 1 is now available at target! (wonder what awaits us in volume 2)

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