
gifting yoga for a healthier kiddie christmas

i'll admit it - it is still super early for me to be christmas shopping. as a procrastinator, i usually wait til, oh about december 20th before i realize i have to get some prezzies for under the tree. i have found that my procrastination is often due to my lack of inspiration for gifts. you can only give your mom so many sweaters, and how many toys does each kid really need... but when the epiphanies come to me, i know the perfect gift flashes in my mind. it's like a light goes on and all of a sudden i know exactly what to get and then i start googling until i find something that will fill my requirements (and tend to go overboard from there). and so, that is exactly what happened after my nephews and i had an impromptu yoga session in my grandparents living room. after determining that headstand was something my oldest nephew (4 y.o.) really enjoyed, i thought about sending them a little yoga this christmas.

immediately when i got home, i ordered 3 children yoga mats (i have 2 nephews, 1 niece - so 2 blue, 1 pink) and 3 yoga dvds and with google checkout (dangerous sometimes) it was a few clicks and two days later they got them! lotuspad was even courteous enough to email me to see if i wanted a note to be included! i happily took them up on their offer! now all the little ones have started a daily yoga routine, if i knew that was all it took, i would have done this 3 years ago :)

lotuspad is great!
children's mats range from $20 - 28
children's yoga dvds $15 each
free shipping on orders over $75!


no little tykes on your list? give the gift of yoga to inner city public school students in nyc, check out bentonlearning.org - a non profit organization near and dear to my heart!

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